digiRunner - a facilitator to a smart government
API platforms must meet both current and future business development
needs, provide convenient and flexible development, have a
user-friendly interface, meet operation management needs, and ensure
data security and confidentiality.
API Data Exchange Standards
API Data Exchange Standards
Compliant with Common API Specifications of Taiwanese
National Development Council
Compliant with OpenAPI Specification (OAS) standards of
the International Open API Initiative to define RESTful
API Security
API Security
Supports OAuth, API KEY, and Public API authorization
- Supports SSL/MTLS data security mechanisms
Provides special API services designed for different user
groups to access source IP, user ID, API service usage,
usage period, service time and other conditions
Ensures transaction information is not tampered with
- Smart data encryption and masking
- SSO integration for agencies
Malicious behavior protection which identifies code
injection, cross-site scripting attacks, SQL attack syntax
and XML/JSON structure syntax threats - can be used with
antivirus software to detect viruses
API Management
API Management
Set access rights or access rights management according to
organizational hierarchy
- API version control and version release management
API call flow control function API activity tracking -
limit source IP and provide black/whitelisting mechanisms
based on quota authorization and IP filtering
Quick and convenient development of management interface
with various protocol connection (DB, FTP, and support for
various format conversions such as JSON, XML, and SOAP) in
visual process
API Monitoring, Alarms & Path Analysis
API Monitoring, Alarms & Path Analysis
Monitor API transaction integrity and record API call
API alarms and alarm thresholds such as platform and API
abnormalities (unauthorized calls, unauthorized IPs,
abnormal traffic, etc.)
API path analysis, such as API usage traffic, response
time statistics, and API user traffic, as well as raw data
exporting for advanced analysis
API External Service Portal
API External Service Portal
API query service, including API catalog and technical
- Supports user self-registration and login
Allows API providers and users to self-generate API keys
Supports API user application for API usage authorization
from providers
Supports user ID customization and grouping according to
organization for API providers