If you forgot your password, we can help by sending you an email with a new password.
  1. Click "Forgot Password", enter the email address you registered before, and then select "Submit".
  2. Check your inbox for the new password email and log into the portal.
To view documents, users need to log in. Free members can only view a part of the product documents, while premium members can view the documents for the products they purchased.
  1. Log in and click on your user name on the upper right side. The management menu will then be shown.
  2. Click “User information” to see your personal information.
TPIsoftware Product Portal offers 2 types of membership: free and premium.
  1. Free membership: Register with your email. Free members can view a part of the product documents.
  2. Premium membership: Activate after purchasing TPIsoftware products or services. Premium members can view the documents for the products they have purchased.
For membership account questions, please email .